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Full-time Faculty
Dr. Jinshyang Roan
桅蟡Room 3209 / 02-2311-1531 ext. 3423
Education : Ph. D. in Operations Management, Louisiana State University
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Research Interests
: Network analysis, supply chain management, system simulation, operations management
Dr. Chyanlong Jan
閰嫣嗾Room 3419 / 02-2311-1531 ext. 3442 / 2580
Education : Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University
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Research Interests
: Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Intellectual property evaluation, Financial Statement Analysis
Dr. Jei-Zheng Wu
喳 寡Room 3414 / 02-2311-1531 ext. 3403
Education : Ph.D. in Engineering, advised by Professor Chen-Fu Chien Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
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Research Interests
: Operations management, decision Analysis, operations research, manufacturing strategy, meta-heuristics, intelligent manufacturing and logistics, supply chain management, decision support system